Tips and Lessons on Sketching and Drawing, Part 3
Recommendations based on sketches and studies in
my "Women of the World" series
In my previous blog posts, I shared with you Part 1 and Part 2 of tips and lessons on sketching and drawing.
Part 1 focused on the importance of researching your subject matter and sketching and planing your ideas before starting your artwork. The research and planning aspect of this series of drawings was particularly important for me, because I needed information on various native garbs or various customs for women from distinct parts of the world.
Part 2 explored different aspects and guidelines to consider when creating a composition.
During the process of creating the sketches, I gathered notes that I have turned into lessons. However, these lessons are not strict rules but are rather suggestions to help you improve your drawing style.
I hope you enjoy the next few tips and learn something new along the way.

In order to successfully draw a figure, you need to take into consideration proportion, movement, anatomy, and perspective. But first and foremost, think of a human figure in terms of shapes and lines.
Start by drawing the general movement of the figure. This sketch includes initial lines marking the general movement or gesture of the figure.
Draw lines for the spine and lines for the limbs with separations at the joints.
Next, draw simple shapes: circle or oval for the head, square for the thoracic cage, rectangle for the hips, and spoon shapes for the hands and feet.

Then, transform all the shapes into their three dimensional extensions, turning a circle into a sphere for the head, and a square or rectangle into a box for the thoracic cage and hips, and a rectangle into a cylinder for the arms and legs.

Finally, refine your drawing by connecting the shapes, softening the edges and curving the lines.

This rough sketch was the ground work for my drawing titled "Eva".

Draw many quick studies of elements you will include in your final work.
Draw a hand, a head, or a foot in different positions, or objects with perspective. Observe yourself in a mirror. You are your best subject reference for figure drawing.
Draft objects, jewelry pieces, hats, fabric patterns and other ideas from your research or from observation, that you will include in your final composition.

Correct and change your drawing anytime during the process until you are satisfied with the results.
I hope you find these tips helpful. Stay tuned for more information, on my next blog.
A bientôt!